With a strapline of “Time is precious, spend it wisely”, The Royal Scots Club, with ‘the charm of a country house with a cosy club atmosphere’ blends quietly with residential homes behind the glorious Georgian elegance of New Town, Edinburgh.
Created to honour the fallen of the Royal Scots at the end of The Great War, the exclusive club and hotel still pays homage to the 11,162 Royal Scots, of all ranks, who were killed during the conflict.
Subtly spread between several celebrious numbers of Abercromby Place, the hotel has retained the styling of the era, forming an integral part of the Edinburgh’s hospitality landscape, building loyalty on reliable and respectful service and a calm escape from the hustle of the city.
Inobtrusive service and comfortable luxury are key to their success along with a reliable consistency that this hotel will deliver on comfort, service and convenience every time.
Find them here: https://royalscotsclub.com/